
澜璒 译

A night from my childhood remains crisply etched in my memory: I was standing by a pond before a village somewhere in Luoshan County, Henan Province, where generations of my ancestors had lived. Next to me stood many other people, both adults and children. Together, we gazed up at the clear night sky, where a tiny star slowly glided across the dark firmament.

我童年时代的一个夜晚至今仍被清晰地刻在我的记忆中:那是在河南省罗山县的某个村庄,我的祖辈世代居住的地方。那时的我站在村口的一个池塘边上。 在我身边还站着许多人,有大人也有小孩。 我们一起凝视着晴朗的夜空,看一颗星星缓缓划过暗淡的苍穹。

It was the first artificial satellite China had ever launched: Dongfanghong I (“The East is Red I”). The date was April 25, 1970, and I was seven.

那是中国有史以来发射的第一颗人造卫星:”东方红一号“1。 那一天是1970年4月25日,我那年七岁。

It had been thirteen years since Sputnik had been launched into space, and nine years since the first cosmonaut had left the Earth. Just a week earlier, Apollo 13 had safely returned from a perilous journey to the moon.


But I didn’t know any of that. As I gazed at that tiny, gliding star, my heart was filled with indescribable curiosity and yearning. And etched in my memory just as deeply as these feelings was the sensation of hunger. At that time, the region around my village was extremely poor. Hunger was the constant companion of every child. I was relatively fortunate because I had shoes on my feet. Most of the friends standing by my side were barefoot, and some of the tiny feet still had unhealed frostbite from the previous winter. Behind me, faint light from kerosene lamps shone out of cracks in the walls of dilapidated thatched huts—the village wasn’t wired for electricity until the eighties.

但我那时对此毫不知情。当我凝视着那颗小小的、从天空中划过的星星时,我的心中充满了难以言表的好奇和向往。这些感情伴随着我腹中的饥饿感,深深地刻在我的记忆中。那时,这片地区非常贫穷。每个孩子都长期与饥饿为伴。 相对来说,我比较幸运,因为我的脚上还有鞋穿。站在我身旁的大多数小伙伴都是光着脚,有些小脚丫还带着去年冬天未愈合的冻疮。在我身后是破烂不堪的茅草房,墙面的缝隙里透着煤油灯微弱的灯光——这个村子直到80年代才通上电。

The adults standing nearby said that the satellite wasn’t like an airplane because it flew outside of the Earth. Back then the dust and smoke of industry hadn’t yet polluted the air, and the starry sky was especially clear, with the Milky Way clearly visible. In my mind, the stars that filled the heavens weren’t much farther away than the tiny, gliding satellite, and so I thought it was flying among them. I even worried that it might collide with one as it passed through the dense stellar clusters.

站我旁边的大人说,这卫星可不像飞机,因为它是飞离地球的。 彼时的大气层尚未被工业的灰尘和烟雾污染,星空清明,银河似练。在我看来,漫天的星星并不比这颗划过的、小小的卫星远多少,所以我想,它正在星间飞行。我甚至担心它在经过密集的星团时,会不会与其中的一颗相撞。

My parents weren’t with me because they were working at a coal mine more than a thousand kilometers away, in Shanxi Province. A few years earlier, when I had been even younger, the mine had been a combat zone for the factional civil wars of the Cultural Revolution. I remembered gunshots in the middle of the night, trucks passing in the street, filled with men clutching guns and wearing red armbands.… But I had been too young back then, and I can’t be sure whether these images are real memories, or mirages constructed later. However, I know one thing for certain: Because the mine was too unsafe and my parents had been impacted by the Cultural Revolution, they had had no choice but to send me to my ancestral home village in Henan. By the time I saw Dongfanghong I, I had already lived there for more than three years.


A few more years passed before I understood the distance between that satellite and the stars. Back then I was reading a popular set of basic science books called A Hundred Thousand Whys. From the astronomy volume, I learned the concept of a light-year. Before then, I had already known that light could traverse a distance equal to seven and a half trips around the Earth in a single second, but I had not contemplated what kind of terrifying distance could be crossed by flying at such a speed for a whole year. I imagined a ray of light passing through the cold silence of space at the speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. I struggled to grasp the bone-chilling vastness and profundity with my imagination, felt the weight of an immense terror and awe, and simultaneously enjoyed a druglike euphoria.


From that moment, I realized that I had a special talent: Scales and existences that far exceeded the bounds of human sensory perception—both macro and micro—and that seemed to be only abstract numbers to others, could take on concrete forms in my mind. I could touch them and feel them, much like others could touch and feel trees and rocks. Even today, when references to the 15-billion-light-year radius of the universe and “strings” many orders of magnitude smaller than quarks have numbed most people, the concepts of a light-year or a nanometer can still produce lively, grand pictures in my mind and arouse in me an ineffable, religious feeling of awe and shock. Compared to most of the population who do not experience such sensations, I don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky. But it is certain that such feelings made me first into a science fiction fan, and later a science fiction author.

自那一刻起,我意识到我有一种特殊的天赋:那些远远超出人类感官范围的大小和存在——无论是宏观的还是微观的——对旁人来说似乎仅仅是抽象的数字,但在我脑海中却可以呈现出具象的形式。我能够触碰它们、感受它们,就像其他人可以触碰、感受树木和岩石一样。即便现在大多数人对150亿光年的宇宙半径和比夸克小许多数量级的 "弦 "也只感到麻木时,一光年或一纳米的概念仍然可以在我的脑海中催生出生动而壮观的画面,并在我心中唤起一种难以言喻的、宗教般的敬畏和震撼。与大多数没有经历过这种感觉的人相比,我不知道自己是幸运还是不幸。但可以肯定的是,这种感觉先是让我成为了科幻爱好者,后来又让我成为了科幻作家。

In that same year when I was first awed by the concept of a light-year, a flood (known as the Great Flood of August ’75) occurred near my home village. In a single day, a record-breaking 100.5 centimeters of rain fell in the Zhumadian region of Henan. Fifty-eight dams of various sizes collapsed, one after another, and 240,000 people died in the resulting deluge. Shortly after the floodwaters had receded, I returned to the village and saw a landscape filled with refugees. I thought I was looking at the end of the world.


And so, satellite, hunger, stars, kerosene lamps, the Milky Way, the Cultural Revolution’s factional civil wars, a light-year, the flood … these seemingly unconnected things melded together and formed the early part of my life, and also molded the science fiction I write today.


As a science fiction writer who began as a fan, I do not use my fiction as a disguised way to criticize the reality of the present. I feel that the greatest appeal of science fiction is the creation of numerous imaginary worlds outside of reality. I’ve always felt that the greatest and most beautiful stories in the history of humanity were not sung by wandering bards or written by playwrights and novelists, but told by science. The stories of science are far more magnificent, grand, involved, profound, thrilling, strange, terrifying, mysterious, and even emotional, compared to the stories told by literature. Only, these wonderful stories are locked in cold equations that most do not know how to read.


The creation myths of the various peoples and religions of the world pale when compared to the glory of the big bang. The three-billion-year history of life’s evolution from self-reproducing molecules to civilization contains twists and romances that cannot be matched by any myth or epic. There is also the poetic vision of space and time in relativity, the weird subatomic world of quantum mechanics … these wondrous stories of science all possess an irresistible attraction. Through the medium of science fiction, I seek only to create my own worlds using the power of imagination, and to make known the poetry of Nature in those worlds, to tell the romantic legends that have unfolded between Man and Universe.


But I cannot escape and leave behind reality, just like I cannot leave behind my shadow. Reality brands each of us with its indelible mark. Every era puts invisible shackles on those who have lived through it, and I can only dance in my chains. In science fiction, humanity is often described as a collective. In this book, a man named “humanity” confronts a disaster, and everything he demonstrates in the face of existence and annihilation undoubtedly has sources in the reality that I experienced. The wonder of science fiction is that it can, when given certain hypothetical world settings, turn what in our reality is evil and dark into what is righteous and bright, and vice versa. This book and its two sequels try to do just that, but no matter how reality is twisted by imagination, it ultimately remains there.

但我无法逃避现实,就像我无法抛开自己的影子。现实给我们每个人都打上了难以磨灭的烙印。每个时代都会给经历过它的人戴上无形的镣铐,而我只能戴着镣铐跳舞。在科幻小说中,人类经常被描述为一个集体。而在这本书中,一个名为 "人类 "的集体面临着灭顶之灾,它在面对生存和毁灭时所表现出的一切,无疑都源于我所经历过的现实。科幻小说的奇妙之处在于,在假设的世界观中,它可以将我们现实中的邪恶与黑暗变成正义和光明,反之亦然。这本书和它的两部续集就旨在做到这一点。但无论现实如何被想象扭曲,归根结底,它仍在那里。

I’ve always felt that extraterrestrial intelligence will be the greatest source of uncertainty for humanity’s future. Other great shifts, such as climate change and ecological disasters, have a certain progression and built-in adjustment periods, but contact between humankind and aliens can occur at any time. Perhaps in ten thousand years, the starry sky that humankind gazes upon will remain empty and silent, but perhaps tomorrow we’ll wake up and find an alien spaceship the size of the moon parked in orbit. The appearance of extraterrestrial intelligence will force humanity to confront an Other. Before then, humanity as a whole will never have had an external counterpart. The appearance of this Other, or mere knowledge of its existence, will impact our civilization in unpredictable ways.


There’s a strange contradiction revealed by the naïveté and kindness demonstrated by humanity when faced with the universe: On Earth, humankind can step onto another continent, and without a thought, destroy the kindred civilizations found there through warfare and disease. But when they gaze up at the stars, they turn sentimental and believe that if extraterrestrial intelligences exist, they must be civilizations bound by universal, noble, moral constraints, as if cherishing and loving different forms of life are parts of a self-evident universal code of conduct.


I think it should be precisely the opposite: Let’s turn the kindness we show toward the stars to members of the human race on Earth and build up the trust and understanding between the different peoples and civilizations that make up humanity. But for the universe outside the solar system, we should be ever vigilant, and be ready to attribute the worst of intentions to any Others that might exist in space. For a fragile civilization like ours, this is without a doubt the most responsible path.


As a fan of science fiction, it has molded my life, and a considerable part of the science fiction I’ve read comes from America. The fact that American readers can now enjoy my book makes me both pleased and excited. Science fiction is a literature that belongs to all humankind. It portrays events of interest to all of humanity, and thus science fiction should be the literary genre most accessible to readers of different nations. Science fiction often describes a day when humanity will form a harmonious whole, and I believe the arrival of such a day need not wait for the appearance of extraterrestrials.


I express my heartfelt thanks to Ken Liu, the translator of this and the third volume, and to Joel Martinsen, the translator of the second volume. Their diligence and care created the English edition. I am grateful to China Educational Publications Import & Export Corporation Ltd. (CEPIEC), Science Fiction World Publishing, and Tor Books, whose trust and faith have made this publication possible.

向本册和第三卷的翻译者刘宇昆(Ken Liu)和第二卷的翻译者周华(Joel Martinsen)表示衷心的感谢。他们的勤勉和细心创造了这个英译本。我还要感谢中国教育图书进出口有限公司(CEPIEC)、《科幻世界》杂志社和托尔图书,是他们的信任和信心使这本书的出版成为可能。

——Liu Cixin(刘慈欣)

December 28, 2012



2 斯普特尼克号,又称斯普特尼克1号,是第一颗进入行星轨道的人造卫星。在前苏联于1957年10月4日自拜科努尔航天中心发射升空。俄罗斯卫星通讯社与广播电台(Sputnik news agency & radio)的名字也由此而来。


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